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Every organization, regardless of size or number of employees, should have basic human resource policies and procedures in place to both ensure legal compliance and serve as a resource for employees and their supervisors. Big I Hires has partnered with Affinity HR Group to provide Big "I" members with a full array of HR support tools that are customized to meet the unique needs of your agency.

As a Big "I" member, you are eligible for discounts on Affinity HR Group products and services. 

For more about how Affinity HR can help with your HR needs, call (877) 660-6400 and be sure to identify yourself as a Big "I" member or visit Affinity HR Group for a menu of services and member pricing and details on the HR Support Plan.


For tips that can help your agency with important issues, be sure to check out the HR Minute articles appearing in IIABA's Insurance News and Views.


Affinity HR Group professionals are available to assist with employee challenges such as:

  • Practical guidance on day-to-day employment issues to help you understand the options, assess the risks and make the decisions that are right for your business
  • Managing time, attendance, personal appearance and other essential workplace policies
  • Calculating pay, overtime, what constitutes hours worked and other common issues when paying employees, including application of the new overtime rules set forth by the U.S. Department of Labor.
  • Administering leave, time off benefits, and FMLA and complying with state leave requirements
  • Administering progressive disciplinary policies, including disciplinary warnings, terminations and ongoing documentation
  • Employee relations and workplace collaboration
  • Best practices when responding to unemployment claims and employment verification


The current economic climate presents many challenges for small businesses. It’s more important than ever to keep your best employees and recruit the best new hires by spending your compensation dollars wisely and effectively. Affinity HR can provide help and assistance for all your compensation-related needs.

Organization and Employee Development
Affinity HR Group’s professional learning facilitators and coaches can help your agency become more effective by building on the strengths of your organization and your employees with a variety of resources that focus both on the organization and on individual employees.


Affinity HR Services 
HR Support Plan
(877) 660-6400

Big "I" Member Discount Available.